
If you haven’t guessed, this is a poetry blog.  I know, right?  Another one?  However, I’ve recently started writing poetry again.  I wrote poetry all the time as a teen and in my early twenties, but stopped for quite some time, barring special occasions.  I decided writing poetry again, instead of non-fiction science, which I’ve been writing for several years, would be a great emotional outlet for me, and I also thought I may as well share it with the world.  When it comes to any kind of writing, all you can do is draw your flag high in the air, and see how many people solute it.

All of the poetry presented here, as well as the art, unless otherwise specified, is mine.  Commercial reproduction thereof is a breach of intellectual property laws.  However, if you like something I write and need that last-minute poem for the girlfriend or the wife, go ahead and take credit for it privately – I really don’t care.  So long as it’s non-commercial, private use.  I’m a stickler for intellectual property, but I’m also kind of a nice guy and I know not a lot of guys out there possess the ability to put a poem together.  Just keep in mind, much of my poetry is acrostic style, so it contains hidden names and messages, so choose wisely.

I also do other blogs on word press including Nerd Monkey, Restaurant Cannibal, The Smiling Skeptic, and others.

Additional art credits for the floral border in the Short Form Poetry (Fiji Mermaid) section headers go to Jedania on Deviant Art.

Additional art credits for the Steampunk ambient designs on the blog background go Artemis-Stock on Deviant Art.

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