In Her Surrender


Nocturnity beneath a shimmering, silvered moon, I walk amid a lifting wisp

In this necropolis where the curse of Sol did so timidly dim

Casting dispersion upon the western sky; Luna’s children arc to their goddess

Over the cold Autumn soil I saunter, staring aloft to such celestial majesty

Lowly, a voice carries through the dusking air, which ignites me in such carnality

Embers dim where her silhouette  arises, a form of despite where my eyes are frozen.


Menacingly, her voice sends desire through the ebony, with lustful commands

Impaired by her sound, my knees taste the soil where frozen grass melts

Chilled by the ground, stripped by lust, my hands emboss the freshly planted dirt below

Heaving every breath into my own flesh to warm my groveling skin

Embraced suddenly, I feel her cold touch upon my back; her frigid fingers tease my form

Leashed to her will and throbbing to her song, I’m pulled by this slowly ambling priestess

Lividly I feel every wrench of her wrist when my bleeding knees slow me

Ending our journey through a stone door where she sits upon a marble sarcophagus.


As pillars of golden perfection, her legs extend to the floor where my eyes are forced to remain

Mercifully my face is forced upon her skin; my tongue laving her from her heels to her knees

Begging her flesh, her knees taste of desire, until my mouth is thrust toward her wetness

Under her mastering eyes my tongue begs of her ecstasy where my neck is squeezed between her thighs

Renting my body beneath her heels, her breath stops as her body trembles as mine

Groveling, my helpless, skyclad body shivers in the phlegmatic air of the night

Endlessly we shake until her breath released a siren scream of pleasure into the air aloft

Yielding to the sky as arcing wolves, her shaking stops as my face is forced back to the ground; in her surrender.

[Originally published: September 2008]

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