

Bloodstains disgrace my stability

My will lies in ruins of impurity

Within the thresholds of catastrophe

I speak the words of heresy

I’ve witnessed the rape of liberty

I’ve burned the bridges of amnesty

Compassion is such an evil word

I stalk the path of blasphemy

Hatred is my only friend

Mutilated in the shackles of purity

I’ve found myself searching for the things I’ve once believed to be alive

My foundation was given from beneath

I know that I will never find my mind again

I can’t breathe in this world

As many times that I’ve tried to be a man; to be like you

Bloodstains embrace my impurity

I am the spawn of a broken will

No more will disease tempt my flesh

There’s nothing I feel anyway

The urge, so very strong, so dominant

I don’t understand my need to resist

To defy who I have become

I am the keeper of the pure, the primitive


They’ve fallen upon the seeds

So pathetic you’ve allowed yourself to be

Why are you allowed to breathe?


C. Allen Thompson 1998

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